Author Archive
NJ Leaders Scramble to Protect Obamacare Gains Against Federal Threats
Published by Lilo H. Stainton on NJ Spotlight. As Trump administration’s attacks on Affordable Care Act take a toll, legislators put up ramparts to try to defend the law in Garden State The Murphy administration and Democrats in the Legislature are doing what they can to shore up and protect the federal Affordable Care Act…Read More…
Take Five with Dr. Pauline Chen
Dr. Pauline Chen will be the keynote speaker of our Conversation of Your Life (COYL) Breakfast on June 12. Dr. Chen, author of Final Exam, is a powerful speaker, writer and advocate for patients at the end of life. Through your work as a transplant surgeon and experience with terminally ill patients, you came to…Read More…
Changing the Culture Around End-of-Life Care
I hope you all can join us June 12 for our Conversation of Your Life (“COYL”) Breakfast, which will highlight the innovative efforts taking place in New Jersey communities to change the culture around end-of-life care discussions. Leaders in our COYL program will talk about the truly interesting ways they are facilitating these conversations. Here…Read More…
N.J. hospitals still perform too many of these risky procedures
Published by Susan K. Livio on New Jersey hospitals’ longstanding problem of unnecessarily delivering babies by Cesarian-section got worse last year, a practice that puts mothers and their infants at a greater risk of complications, according to a new report released Tuesday. New Jersey, Florida, Kentucky, New York and Texas recorded the highest number of…Read More…
Take Five with Carole Johnson, Commissioner, New Jersey Department of Human Services
How is Medicaid approaching care for complex populations, particularly children? I’m really proud of the number of important investments that we’re making to modernize Medicaid in the governor’s budget. That includes investing $17 million in new state and federal funds that are going to help us expand autism spectrum disorder benefits for children. There are…Read More…
Leveraging Purchasing Power To Drive Change
We’re sharing our exclusive interview here with Carole Johnson, New Jersey’s new Commissioner of Human Services, as she outlines her vision to strengthen the state’s Medicaid program for today — and tomorrow. At the Quality Institute, we often talk about the power of purchasers to drive innovation to improve quality and reduce costs. As we move…Read More…
Take Five with CPR’s Suzanne Delbanco
Suzanne Delbanco is Executive Director of Catalyst for Payment Reform, a non-profit corporation working to catalyze employers, public purchasers, and others to implement strategies that produce higher value health care. Delbanco will be the keynote speaker of the Quality Institute’s All Council Conference: Power of the Purchaser, on May 16. For large employers that self-fund…Read More…
Leapfrog safety scores: 22 NJ hospitals get ‘A’ grades, while one flunks
Published by Vince Calio on NJBIZ. University Hospital in Newark was given an “F” grade for its safety conditions – the lowest possible grade – in The Leapfrog Group’s biannual hospital safety ratings. It is the first time in three years a New Jersey hospital has received an “F” grade. In all, 22 hospitals earned “A” grades,…Read More…
Which New Jersey hospitals are the safest? Here are the results of a new national survey.
Published by Susan K. Livio on Fewer hospitals in New Jersey earned an “A” for patient safety in the latest national report card released Tuesday. That drove New Jersey’s national rank down from 11th to 17th best for the strategies they used to prevent infections, falls and other harmful mistakes, according to the report. Just…Read More…
N.J. drops in Leapfrog hospital safety ranking, despite 22 ‘A’ grades
Published by Anjalee Khemlani on ROI New Jersey. New Jersey fell in national rankings of hospital safety scores, according to the biannual ranking by The Leapfrog Group. The Washington, D.C.-based organization ranks the safety of hospitals every spring and fall, and the most recent report shows New Jersey is now No. 17 among 50 states, compared…Read More…