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Health Matters Poll: By Wide Margins, New Jerseyans Turn To and Trust Physicians and Nurses Most for Health-Related Information
Some seek information and trust family, friends, and websites; fewer trust traditional and social media. New Brunswick, N.J. – Though they’re able to seek healthcare information from more places than ever before, New Jersey residents still turn to — and trust —doctors and nurses more than any other source. Nine in ten report being likely to ask…Read More…
Hackensack Meridian Health, in Partnership with the VNA, NJHCQI and NJ Medicaid Receives $15.8 Million Award from CMS to Implement New Payment Model to Improve Care for Pediatric Patients with Complex Medical Conditions
Neptune, NJ – December 20, 2019 – Hackensack Meridian Health is honored to announce that it has received an award from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in the amount of $15.8 million to be distributed over seven years to establish the New Jersey Integrated Care for Kids (InCK) Model that will test…Read More…
The Leapfrog Group Announces 2019 Top Hospital Recipients
EMBARGOED UNTIL DECEMBER 17, 2019 EMBARGOED LIST OF TOP HOSPITALS AVAILABLE BY CONTACTING LEAPFROGPR@JPA.COM The Leapfrog Group Announces 2019 Top Hospital Recipients December 17, 2019 WASHINGTON D.C. – In recognition of the nation’s highest quality hospitals, The Leapfrog Group, a national watchdog organization of employers and other purchasers focused on health care safety and quality,…Read More…
The Leapfrog Group Highlights Strengths, Pinpoints Improvements Needed across Outpatient and Ambulatory Surgery Settings in Inaugural Report
October 22, 2019 The Leapfrog Group, a national watchdog organization of employers and other purchasers focused on health care safety and quality, today released a report summarizing trends on the safety and quality of care for same-day surgical services nationwide: Same-Day Surgery in the U.S.: Findings of Two Inaugural Leapfrog Surveys. The report is a first and notable expansion in the organization’s data gathering and reporting enterprise,…Read More…
‘Sustainability Fair of the Chathams’ returns this Saturday
THE CHATHAMS – The public is being asked to demonstrate its support for sustainability in the Chathams when the 2019 edition of the annual “Sustainability Fair of the Chathams” is held, rain or shine, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. this Saturday, Sept. 14, hosted for the fifth year by the Chatham Borough Farmers’ Market at…Read More…
Quality Institute Statement on Rating the Raters Opinion Piece in the New England Journal of Medicine
Rating the Raters is an opinion piece just published in the New England Journal of Medicine, which rates four hospital quality rating systems. The authors awarded The Leapfrog Group a C minus. At the New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute, a regional leader for Leapfrog, we are proud that in our state every hospital voluntarily…Read More…
NEW JERSEY MAY REFUSE TITLE X FUNDING OVER ABORTION ‘GAG RULE’ BRENDA FLANAGAN | NJTV NEWS | AUGUST 7, 2019 ‘Gag rule’ imposed by Trump administration would bar any group that accepts Title X money from even discussing abortion with clients Healthcare providers worry about the roughly 100,000 patients in New Jersey who rely on family-planning centers…Read More…
Only half of us talk to anyone about dying, a new poll finds. We must change the culture around death.
Posted Apr 16, 2019 A New Jersey Health Matters poll with Rutgers Eagleton released Tuesday found that only about half of the state’s residents have talked to anyone about their end-of-life care preferences. New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute urges New Jerseyans to have that conversation before they, or a loved one, becomes too ill….Read More…
New Report from The Leapfrog Group Examines Hospital Policies on Never Events
New Report from The Leapfrog Group Examines Hospital Policies on Never Events June 27, 2019 WASHINGTON D.C. – The Leapfrog Group, a national watchdog organization of employers and other purchasers focused on health care safety and quality, today released its 2019 Never Events Report, and found that one in four participating hospitals do not meet…Read More…
LILO H. STAINTON | JUNE 19, 2019 NJ healthcare coalitions have had success focusing on complex health and social needs of high-demand Medicaid patients. Now they have a new roadmap for an even more integrated approach Credit: Twenty20 In the Camden area, healthcare and social service organizations have worked together to connect low-income women of childbearing age…Read More…