Author Archive
Take Five Interview with Shawna Hudson, Professor & Research Division Chief, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health, RU RWJ Med School
Shawna Hudson is Professor and Research Division Chief in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health at the Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. She will deliver the keynote speech at the Quality Institute’s Winter Conference. As an internationally known medical sociologist specializing in primary care research, can you give our readers a…Read More…
Meet Our New Staffers Supporting the Critical Work Ahead
The past 21 months, perhaps more than any time in memory, have taught us the importance of relationships and collaboration. At the Quality Institute, we value our relationships with our members and others committed to our mission to advance health care safety, quality, and affordability for everyone. Much work remains ahead, especially in our efforts…Read More…
Take Five Interview with Mariekarl Vilceus-Talty, MA, BSN, NE-BC, LNC,
Mariekarl Vilceus-Talty, MA, BSN, NE-BC, LNC, President and CEO of the Partnership for Maternal & Child Health of Northern New Jersey. The Partnership is a member of the Quality Institute, and the designated maternal health consortium for Northern New Jersey. You have decades of direct labor and delivery patient care and managing hundreds of…Read More…
Happy National Botox Day, From Your Trusted Physician
Just recently, while waiting in my ob-gyn’s exam room, I noticed heartfelt, pink posters which said, “Are you concerned about your thinning lips? Fine lines around your eyes?” Honesty, I was there for health care, but when it was mentioned, should I be concerned? At home, the marketing continued. I received not just one,…Read More…
Take Five Interview with Sarah Adelman
Sarah Adelman serves as Acting Commissioner for the New Jersey Department of Human Services. Most people want to remain in their home and community as they age. How is your department supporting the move toward home and community-based care for the older adults? At Human Services, we’ve been focused on building a strong and person-centered…Read More…
We Need Better Data to Address Health Care Inequities
The Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grades come out next week. Those grades are based, in part, on information from the Leapfrog Hospital Survey. Once again, we have a 100 percent participation rate on the Survey by New Jersey hospitals. Our state’s hospitals show their commitment to quality, safety, and transparency every time they complete the Survey….Read More…
Take Five Interview with Roberto Muñiz
Roberto Muñiz, President and CEO of Parker Life, the newest member of the Quality Institute’s Leadership Council. Parker Life has been a leader in high-quality, person-centered care for older adults in Central Jersey. Can you share some details about the unique aspects of your skilled nursing homes and adult day services? Mrs. Henrietta Parker founded…Read More…
Time to Support, Not Constrain, Telehealth
Most of us have had at least one telehealth visit since the beginning of the pandemic. And for the majority of us, it was our first telehealth visit. Across the country, and the Northeast in particular, telehealth saw an unprecedented spike due to stay at home orders and limitations on PPE. At the Quality Institute,…Read More…