Take Five
Take Five Interview with Our Board Member, Heather Howard, JD
Heather Howard, JD, a member of the Quality Institute’s Board of Directors, is a Professor at Princeton University. She is also co-director of the Center for Health and Wellbeing’s Global Health Program and director of State Health and Value Strategies, a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation-funded program assisting states with transforming their health care systems to…Read More…
Take Five Interview with Christopher Koller
Christopher Koller is president of the Milbank Memorial Fund, a 117-year operating foundation that improves population health by connecting leaders with the best information and experience. Before joining the Fund, Koller was Rhode Island’s first health insurance commissioner. Koller was the keynote speaker at the Quality Institute’s recent conference on increasing investment in high quality…Read More…
Take Five Interview with Dana Gelb Safran, ScM and ScD
Dana Gelb Safran, ScM and ScD, is President and CEO of the National Quality Forum (NQF). NQF serves as the steward of the nation’s portfolio of quality measures, and, in this role, is responsible for convening and leading consensus processes to evaluate health care quality measures to determine their scientific and clinical merits for endorsement…Read More…
Take Five Interview with Steven Kairys, MD
Steven Kairys, MD, is Principal Investigator of New Jersey Integrated Care for Kids (InCK), a new pilot program in Ocean and Monmouth Counties, and a pediatrician at Hackensack Meridian Health, a member of the Quality Institute. The NJ InCK pilot is led by Hackensack Meridian Health with the Quality Institute and VNA Health Group as co-leads. …Read More…
Take Five Interview with Douglas Forrester
Douglas Forrester is Chairman of Integrity Health, a health care benefits management company that operates Partnership Health Centers. Integrity Health is a member of the Quality Institute. Partnership Health Centers employs a unique patient-centered model of care. What makes your model different? I’m not aware of any organization with an outpatient setting that has…Read More…
Take Five Interview with Daniel Klim
Daniel Klim is Executive Director of the American Physical Therapy Association of New Jersey a member of the Quality Institute. The professional organization recently launched a mental health support program for its members. We discuss this timely and critical topic in today’s Take Five. Your organization represents physical therapy professionals across New Jersey. How…Read More…
Take Five Interview with Shawna Hudson, Professor & Research Division Chief, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health, RU RWJ Med School
Shawna Hudson is Professor and Research Division Chief in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health at the Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. She will deliver the keynote speech at the Quality Institute’s Winter Conference. As an internationally known medical sociologist specializing in primary care research, can you give our readers a…Read More…
Take Five Interview with Mariekarl Vilceus-Talty, MA, BSN, NE-BC, LNC,
Mariekarl Vilceus-Talty, MA, BSN, NE-BC, LNC, President and CEO of the Partnership for Maternal & Child Health of Northern New Jersey. The Partnership is a member of the Quality Institute, and the designated maternal health consortium for Northern New Jersey. You have decades of direct labor and delivery patient care and managing hundreds of…Read More…
Take Five Interview with Sarah Adelman
Sarah Adelman serves as Acting Commissioner for the New Jersey Department of Human Services. Most people want to remain in their home and community as they age. How is your department supporting the move toward home and community-based care for the older adults? At Human Services, we’ve been focused on building a strong and person-centered…Read More…
Take Five Interview with Roberto Muñiz
Roberto Muñiz, President and CEO of Parker Life, the newest member of the Quality Institute’s Leadership Council. Parker Life has been a leader in high-quality, person-centered care for older adults in Central Jersey. Can you share some details about the unique aspects of your skilled nursing homes and adult day services? Mrs. Henrietta Parker founded…Read More…