Launched the Conversation of Your Life (COYL) program to bring important advance care planning conversations to New Jersey communities. Enabled passage of the Caregiver Act by convening AARP and the New Jersey Hospital Association to drive consensus on safely discharging patients to their homes. Linda Schwimmer joins the Leapfrog Group..Read MoreRead More…
Launched the Medicaid Policy Center (MPC) within the Quality Institute to advance critical work to improve Medicaid. Passage of the federal Reinsurance Fund for the Individual Market. Played critical role in the adoption of a state-based individual insurance mandate with the Quality Institute/Vitale Workgroup. Successfully advocated for the passage of..Read MoreRead More…
As the Regional Leader for The Leapfrog Group in New Jersey, we enabled the state to achieve 100% hospital participation in The Leapfrog Group Hospital Survey. After years of our advocacy and policy work, New Jersey adopted many of the Quality Institute’s recommendations on Maternity Care: Episode of Care pilot..Read MoreRead More…
Created the Reproductive Health Action Plan and Toolkit to reduce payment and system barriers to assist providers deliver the full range of reproductive health services. Created and led the Perinatal Care During COVID-19 Workgroup with the New Jersey Department of Health and produced guidance for all birthing facilities, providers, and..Read MoreRead More…
The Mayors Wellness Campaign (MWC) reached 422 municipalities, empowering mayors throughout New Jersey with evidence-based tools, strategies and technical support to champion health and wellness in their communities. Led the creation of the Guidance Document on Recruiting and Retaining a More Resilient and Diverse Health Care Workforce. Brought together experts..Read MoreRead More…
Led statewide initiative with more than 100 experts in health care to create Emerging from COVID-19: An Action Plan For A Healthier State. Launched, with New Jersey Medicaid, the first Perinatal Episode of Care Pilot in NJ Family Care to promote paying for quality and improving outcomes.Read More…
Partnered with the New Jersey Innovation Institute to develop the Garden State Practice Transformation Network to educate health care providers about the move to value-based payments. Brought together consumers, policy leaders and other experts to create the influential Medicaid 2.0: A Blueprint for the Future. Read More…
First President & CEO David Knowlton retires. Linda Schwimmer becomes President & CEO Read More…