Winter Conference: Innovation and Planning Needed as New Jersey’s Population Ages
In New Jersey, more than 1.5 million people are over the age of 65, or about 17 percent of our population. The percentage is expected to continue rising. Most people in this age group want to stay in their communities as they get older — close to families, friends, and other connections in their lives….Read More…
Take Five Interview with Christine Ivery, MPH, CHES
Christine Ivery, MPH, CHES, has joined the Quality Institute as a Program Officer. Ivery brings deep experience as a public health leader and educator dedicated to health equity. Can you tell us about yourself and what drew you to the Quality Institute? I grew up in Pennsauken, in Camden County. My mother is a nurse,…Read More…
Twenty-Four Hospitals in New Jersey Earn an “A” in 2023 Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grades
Hospital Infections are Down in New Jersey After a Spike During the Pandemic The Leapfrog Group, a national nonprofit representing hundreds of the nation’s most influential employers and purchasers of health care, and driven in New Jersey by the New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute, today released the fall 2023 Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grades. The…Read More…
Take Five Interview with Staci R. Grant
Staci R. Grant, RHU, Vice President Benefits Division, Henry O. Baker Insurance Group. Open enrollment season is here. What are your small employer clients seeing in terms of health insurance premium costs and any new options? In the small employer market, we’re seeing premium increases anywhere from two and a half percent to 11…Read More…
Waiting on Action to Save New Jersey’s Small Employer Health Insurance Market
It’s Open Enrollment season, and, as a small employer, I’m once again turning to my broker and hearing the bad news on premium increases and limited choices for health insurance coverage in New Jersey’s Small Employer market. While there has been great energy and focus on subsidies and ways to drive competition in the…Read More…
Pressure on state to streamline ‘inefficient’ licensing rules for health services
LILO H. STAINTON, HEALTH CARE WRITER | OCTOBER 31, 2023 | HEALTH CARE Providers urge revamp of process they say stigmatizes mental health, addiction diagnoses Integrity House is one of the largest nonprofit addiction treatment organizations in New Jersey. But to offer cancer screenings and other basic primary care at the same site as it provides mental…Read More…
Data Shows Overwhelmingly Positive Results from New Jersey Hospitals Using TeamBirth Model of Care
For Immediate Release Contact: Carol Ann Campbell (973-567-1901) Media Contact: Carol Ann Campbell Just-Released Data Show Overwhelmingly Positive Results from New Jersey Hospitals Using TeamBirth Model of Care Data Come as Two More Hospitals and a Birth Center Launch Initiative to Enhance Patient Experience During Labor and Delivery PRINCETON…Read More…
Take Five Interview with Amy Murtha, MD
Amy Murtha, MD, Dean of Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. You come with an impressive background: Professor and chair of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Services at the University of California, San Francisco, and professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Department of Pediatrics at Duke University. What drew…Read More…
Join Our Call for an Integrated Facility License for Physical and Behavioral Health Care
Last week we sent a letter to New Jersey’s Acting Health Commissioner, Kaitlan Baston, M.D., urging her to move forward expeditiously with proposing regulations creating an integrated facility license that permits provision of physical and behavioral health care services in the same setting by the licensee. The integrated facility license and regulations are critical to…Read More…