Take Five Interview with Kimberly Birdsall, MPH
Kimberly Birdsall, MPH, is Executive Director of the Health Coalition of Passaic County (HPCP), one of four Regional Health Hubs in New Jersey. The organization is a Quality Institute ACO Council member. Tell us what your organization accomplishes as a Regional Health Hub (RHH)? We’re dedicated to improving health outcomes and reducing regional health disparities by…Read More…
Catch Up on Quality Institute Work on Telehealth; Insurance for Small Businesses; Midwifery
In recent weeks, the Quality Institute has accomplished significant work on issues that advance our mission to improve health care quality, safety, and affordability. You may have read the two significant reports we published this month, viewed our article on telehealth, or seen our press coverage. I nonetheless want to bring all this critical work…Read More…
Measuring the Effectiveness and Value of Virtual Health Care
June 8, 2022 Linda Schwimmer, JD, Chuck Amos, MBA The American Journal of Accountable Care, June 2022, Volume 10, Issue 2 The authors call for the collection and use of data on virtual health care to shape an informed and thoughtful approach to telehealth payment that equitably serves all stakeholders. Am J Accountable Care. 2022;10(2):21-23 At the onset…Read More…
Advancing Equitable and High-Quality Care through Midwifery Practice in New Jersey
Written by Kate Shamszad, MS, MPH, Director of the Quality Institute’s Medicaid Policy Center (MPC) If we want to improve maternal infant health in New Jersey and address unacceptable racial inequities, we must look to midwifery care as a model and potential solution. As outlined in the report, Delivering Better Care: Midwifery Practice in…Read More…
Take Five Interview with Atiya Weiss, Executive Director of the Burke Foundation
Atiya Weiss, Executive Director of The Burke Foundation, is integral to shaping the foundation’s focus on maternal and child health. The Foundation recently released its new strategy, “Building Strong Partnerships for Community and Care in the First 1,000 Days.” Can you tell us about your strategy to improve child health in New Jersey? The…Read More…
Take Five Interview with Amber Weiseth, DNP, MSN, RNC-OB
Amber Weiseth, DNP, MSN, RNC-OB, is Director of the Delivery Decisions Initiative (DDI) at Ariadne Labs, a joint center for health systems innovation at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The Quality Institute, NJ Department of Health, and Ariadne Labs are jointly implementing New Jersey TeamBirth, a shared…Read More…
Act Now to Protect Health Insurance for Small Businesses
In New Jersey, the health insurance market for small businesses is in peril. Enrollment is dropping and premiums are rising. In 2022 alone, premiums jumped an alarming average rate of 10.4 percent. In 2005, nearly 1 million employees of small businesses and their families had health insurance through the New Jersey’s small group market. Today,…Read More…
Op-Ed: COVID-19 taught providers that public health benefits from collaboration
MEGAN AVALLONE, DR. JAMIE L. REEDY | JUNE 1, 2022 | OPINION A doctor and a public-health nurse write about how their long collaboration was big help during the pandemic Dr. Jamie L. Reedy, left, and Megan Avallone As a public-health officer and a primary-care physician, we both know the value of understanding the communities we serve. In…Read More…