Quality Institute Makes Recommendations to Prevent Dangerous Downward Spiral in Small Business Health Insurance Market
Contact: Carol Ann Campbell cacampbell@njhcqi.org (973-567-1901) PRINCETON — The New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute today issued a comprehensive package of policy recommendations to save the state’s health insurance market for small businesses, an already distressed market hit further by the economic repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses with fewer than 50 full time employees are…Read More…
Dino Flammia June 24, 2020 NJ 101.5 A quarter of pregnancies in New Jersey last year were unplanned. That percentage would likely be much lower, advocates say, if Garden State residents had better access to quality contraceptive care. The need for increased access, they add, is even more pressing today as the state attempts to…Read More…
Op-Ed: Change Burdensome Policies Creating Barriers to Birth Control in NJ
BRITTANY STAPELFELD LEE | JUNE 22, 2020 | OPINION To truly dismantle barriers to birth control, it is essential to address state-level policies that limit access to services Brittany Stapelfeld Lee Every day, patients and health care providers across the state make decisions about contraceptives that are not based on medicine. Instead, confusing, outdated and burdensome policies…Read More…
Coronavirus emptied nursing homes across N.J., even beyond the gruesome deaths tolls
Updated Jun 21, 10:27 PM; Posted Jun 20, 2:02 PM The Jewish Home at Rockleigh saw its population fall significantly amid the coronavirus outbreak, as did nursing homes throughout New Jersey.Steve Hockstein | For NJ Advance Media By Riley Yates | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com At the Bergen County nursing home that Carol Silver Elliott runs,…Read More…
‘We Can’t Unsee’ Racial Inequities in NJ Made Clear by COVID-19. What’s the Plan to Address Them?
‘We Can’t Unsee’ Racial Inequities in NJ Made Clear by COVID-19. What’s the Plan to Address Them? LILO H. STAINTON | JUNE 19, 2020 | CORONAVIRUS IN NJ, MORE ISSUES Gov. Phil Murphy says ‘COVID-19 did not create the inequalities in our society, but it laid them bare’ Credit: (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)April 3, 2020: At the border between…Read More…
Take Five Interview with Steven H. Landers
Steven H. Landers, M.D., MPH, is President & CEO of the Visiting Nurse Association Health Group, Inc., one of the nation’s largest not-for-profit home health care providers. The organization, headquartered in New Jersey, is a long-time member of the Quality Institute. How has the COVID-19 crisis changed the way you provide home health services…Read More…
COVID-19 Can’t Stop the COYL Conversation
Our Conversation of Your Life (COYL) program has historically relied on the power of our in-person community gatherings at libraries, community centers, places of worship, and other meeting spots. People came together to learn about and discuss end-of-life care options — and how to create and share their wishes through advance directives. These in-person conversations…Read More…
Lessens Learned After Three Months on COVID-19 Front Lines
Lessons Learned After Three Months on COVID-19 Front Lines LILO H. STAINTON | JUNE 9, 2020 | CORONAVIRUS IN NJ, HEALTH CARE Coronavirus is a moving target, but NJ’s health care professionals now know telemedicine, sharing data and stockpiling PPE can mean difference between life and death. A cough and a fever aren’t always among the warning signs….Read More…
New Jersey Association of Health Underwriters Interview with Linda Schwimmer
Posted June 9, 2020Experts Develop Recommendations for Pregnancy and Childbirth During COVID-19
A member of AcademyHealth’s partner the Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement, New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute, brought together experts to establish best practices to keep pregnant individuals and their health care providers safe during COVID-19. POSTED Jun 04, 2020 By Linda Schwimmer, J.D. About 100,000 babies are born each year in New Jersey and…Read More…