TeamBirth Continues to Expand as Two More New Jersey Hospitals and Birth Center Launch Initiative to Enhance Patient Experience During Labor and Delivery
A Third Hospital is Expected to Launch TeamBirth, a Shared-Decision Making Model of Care, Before End of Year PRINCETON — September 18, 2023 — Two more New Jersey hospitals and a birth center have launched TeamBirth, a model of care that ensures people giving birth and the clinicians who care for them have shared input and understanding…Read More…
Our Reproductive Health Care Work: A Preview of What’s Ahead
At the Quality Institute, we’ve had a productive summer, particularly around our work on equitable access to reproductive health care. Today I want to preview what’s ahead for us on this critical topic. Reproductive health care is an essential aspect of a functioning health care system. Access to contraception, abortion, and overall quality maternal…Read More…
Take Five Interview with Dustin M. Riccio, MD, MBA
St. Joseph’s Health is a member of the Quality Institute’s Provider Council, System Level. You originally are from New Jersey, but most recently worked in leadership and clinical positions (as an emergency medicine physician) at Rochester Regional Health. What drew you back to New Jersey? I started my health care administrative journey back in…Read More…
Grants Available for New Jersey Communities to Address Mental Health
Five years ago, the Quality Institute’s Mayors Wellness Campaign (MWC) began annual focus groups in all 21 New Jersey counties to learn the top health concerns of our communities. Each year, mental health emerged as a critical issue, especially for adolescents and older adults. In a partnership with the MWC, Walmart last year provided…Read More…
Quality Institute’s Mayors Wellness Campaign Launches Second Year of Mental Health Initiative Funding; New Jersey Towns and Cities Invited to Submit Proposals
For Immediate Release Contact: Carol Ann Campbell (973-567-1901) Walmart Provides Funding for Mental Health Programming Throughout New Jersey PRINCETON, New Jersey — The New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute’s Mayors Wellness Campaign (MWC), in partnership with the New Jersey State League of Municipalities (“League”), has announced a second year of funding for communities…Read More…
Take Five Interview with Sam George
Sam George, CEO, UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of NJ, a member of the Quality Institute’s Plan Council. You joined UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of NJ about a year ago, having moved here from the Midwest. Can you share one or two of your top priorities? At UnitedHealthcare we are very supportive of the First Lady’s maternal program Nurture…Read More…
Celebrating Successes that Improve Quality and Access
At the Quality Institute, we work together with you, our members and partners, to strengthen health care quality and access. Today I want to reflect on several recent successes that advance our mission and show how our work together creates impact and improves lives. Access to contraceptives at local pharmacies For years, we’ve called…Read More…
An Investment Tip for New Jersey
We know that the first three years of a child’s life form the foundation for their long-term health, well-being, and advancement. We also know how important it is for children to regularly see a pediatrician during this critical period when they are changing so rapidly. The traditional pediatric office visit, although a key element of…Read More…