Take Five with Adelisa Perez, BSN, RN-BC, Director of Quality
Adelisa Perez, a Registered Nurse, is the Quality Institute’s new Director of Quality. Can you outline the focus of your role? I will oversee all of our quality initiatives, such as our work with the Leapfrog Group, and I will work with Linda Schwimmer on the National Quality Forum. I’ll also oversee the Mayors Wellness Campaign…Read More…
Connect Quality and Payment to Create Lasting Improvement to Maternity Care
Every day Maternity Care is in the news, as interest and focus on this topic continually grows. In our state, the Murphy administration and others are investing in improving maternal and child health. With so many different grants, quality collaboratives, and competing priorities we need an effective path forward to create sustainable change. That’s why…Read More…
Cancer Care, Prevention: How New Jersey Measures Up
Published by NJ Spotlight New report says NJ does well on cancer screenings and general care, not as well on palliative care and pain medication. But report omits recent state initiatives New Jersey does well when it comes to helping patients obtain cancer screenings and care, according to a new national report, but it could…Read More…
Don’t Backtrack on Transparency
We turn to the Internet to help us make all kinds of decisions — especially in health care. And we’ve come a long way in our ability to obtain consumer friendly and accessible information on hospital safety and quality. Moreover, based on research by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and other respected…Read More…
Take Five with Marlene Caride, Commissioner, Department of Banking and Insurance
Marlene Caride, a former member of the New Jersey General Assembly, was named to lead the Department of Banking and Insurance (DOBI) in January. She took the oath of office as Commissioner in June. Recently she discussed her goals in our Take Five. What do you think are the most important steps the department can…Read More…
State’s health insurers grapple with uncertainty over frozen federal risk payments
Published by Anjalee Khemlani The New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance has extended the premium filing deadline for health insurers to July 18, from the original deadline of Wednesday. Health insurers in the state were scrambling Monday to understand the implications of stalled risk adjustment payments announced over the weekend, even as Wednesday’s state…Read More…
N.J. hospitals’ plan to reduce C-section rates looks strong
Published on the Press of Atlantic City New Jersey’s 49 hospitals that deliver babies began an initiative in April that is intended to reduce cesarean-section deliveries 10 percent by next June and by nearly a third eventually. C-sections, in which babies are delivered not through the pelvic opening but by cutting through the maternal abdomen,…Read More…
Elderly often drag their feet on having ‘The Conversation’ with families, doctors
Posted in NJ.com, written by The Times of Trenton Editorial Board Like most Americans, you probably hope that when your time is up, you’ll die peacefully in your home, surrounded by loved ones and far away from beeping hospital machines, invasive treatments and the rigid schedules of hospital routine. If you live in the Garden…Read More…