Changing the Culture Around End-of-Life Care
I hope you all can join us June 12 for our Conversation of Your Life (“COYL”) Breakfast, which will highlight the innovative efforts taking place in New Jersey communities to change the culture around end-of-life care discussions. Leaders in our COYL program will talk about the truly interesting ways they are facilitating these conversations. Here…Read More…
N.J. Hospitals Do Too Many C-Sections, and the Numbers are Climbing
Posted in, Written by Times of Trenton Editorial Board The rates for Caesarian-section births vary widely by hospital in New Jersey, but health-care advocates and childbirth experts agree on one thing: Those rates are too high – and getting higher. The Garden State joined Florida, Kentucky, New York and Texas as the top five…Read More…
New Jersey Hospitals Fall Short in Maternity Care, Report Shows
Published by Nicole Leonard, Press of Atlantic City Only a few New Jersey hospitals are fully meeting maternity and childbirth health-care goals, according to a new national report. The 2018 Maternity Care Report released Tuesday by the Leapfrog Group, a national nonprofit patient advocacy group, revealed while a handful of state hospitals excel at reducing…Read More…
N.J. hospitals still perform too many of these risky procedures
Published by Susan K. Livio on New Jersey hospitals’ longstanding problem of unnecessarily delivering babies by Cesarian-section got worse last year, a practice that puts mothers and their infants at a greater risk of complications, according to a new report released Tuesday. New Jersey, Florida, Kentucky, New York and Texas recorded the highest number of…Read More…
New Jersey C-Section Rate is Still High. See How Your Hospital Compares.
Published by Linda Washburn, New Jersey hospitals performed worse — not better — in lowering the rate of Cesarean deliveries for newborns in the most recent report on the quality of maternity care, released Tuesday. Only nine of 48 hospitals where babies are delivered brought the rate of such surgery down to the national goal level, said the…Read More…
HealthWell Foundation Opens New Cancer-Related Behavioral Health Fund
Ginny Dunn, HealthWell Foundation GERMANTOWN, Md., May 10, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — The HealthWell Foundation®, an independent non-profit that provides a financial lifeline for inadequately insured Americans, has launched a new fund to provide copayment assistance for behavioral health treatments related to a cancer diagnosis. Through the Cancer-Related Behavioral Health Fund, HealthWell will provide up to $2,000 in financial assistance…Read More…
Take Five with Carole Johnson, Commissioner, New Jersey Department of Human Services
How is Medicaid approaching care for complex populations, particularly children? I’m really proud of the number of important investments that we’re making to modernize Medicaid in the governor’s budget. That includes investing $17 million in new state and federal funds that are going to help us expand autism spectrum disorder benefits for children. There are…Read More…
Leveraging Purchasing Power To Drive Change
We’re sharing our exclusive interview here with Carole Johnson, New Jersey’s new Commissioner of Human Services, as she outlines her vision to strengthen the state’s Medicaid program for today — and tomorrow. At the Quality Institute, we often talk about the power of purchasers to drive innovation to improve quality and reduce costs. As we move…Read More…
Nurse Volunteers Advance Community Wellness
Published in Adelisa Perez, BSN, RN, does not stop being a nurse when she leaves Riverview Medical Center, the Red Bank hospital where she works with heart patients. Perez believes the nursing profession also calls her to promote wellness in the communities around her. “Nurses can bring a unique aspect to wellness initiatives. We…Read More…
Measuring the Impact of Payment Reform
At the Quality Institute, we believe payment reform can drive quality and reduce costs — and help make sure we only pay for health care that’s truly valuable to patients. We’re working hard with our partners to collect data and measure quality as we drive alternative payment models that move us away from fee-for-service. Are our…Read More…