Obamacare: NJ Lawmakers Vote to Bring Back Health Insurance Mandate
Published by Michael L. Diamond in the Asbury Park Press Murphycare could look a lot like Obamacare. Lawmakers Thursday sent to Gov. Phil Murphy a bill that will require nearly all New Jerseyans to have health insurance or pay a penalty, in a bid to stabilize premiums for consumers in the Obamacare marketplace. They approved…Read More…
Take Five with Commissioner Elnahal
Shereef M. Elnahal, M.D., M.B.A. The son of physicians who grew up in Atlantic County, Dr. Elnahal became Acting Health Commissioner in January after serving in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs as Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Quality, Safety, and Value. He received a dual-degree M.D. and M.B.A. with Distinction from Harvard…Read More…
Mayors Wellness Campaign Honors Five Towns for Health Programs
Top Honors Given to Westwood, Highland Park; Healthy Town Designations Also Awarded to Oradell, Freehold, Beachwood The New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute has named Westwood and Highland Park 2017 New Jersey Healthy Towns by the Mayors Wellness Campaign (MWC), a program of the Quality Institute, in partnership with the New Jersey State League of…Read More…
Better Data Equals Better Public Policy, Researchers Say
Published by Lilo H. Stainton in NJ Spotlight State developing interactive app that will let patients, providers, and policymakers work directly with Medicaid stats Imagine the possibilities: online maps and other tools that allow patients and policymakers to visualize how much Medicaid spends on specific medical procedures — and how these costs vary between counties,…Read More…
Citus Health Takes Home Top Prize at 2018 Healthcare Innovation Showcase
NEWARK, N.J. (PRWEB) Digital health startup Citus Health shines at the 4th annual conference co-hosted by the New Jersey Innovation Institute and the New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute. New Jersey Innovation Institute (NJII) announced today that Citus Health, a rising digital health startup focused on digital transformation in the post-acute care industry, was awarded…Read More…
Take Five with Virginia Tesser
Virginia Tesser has joined the Quality Institute as Membership Coordinator Can you describe your new role at the Quality Institute? I support Tyla Housman, the Vice President of External Affairs, to develop and engage our membership. That means reaching out to potential new members and strengthening our engagement with existing members. I also will…Read More…
A Toolkit You Can Use to Advance Population Health
If you saw the advertisement on late night TV, you would not believe the claims. Improve your cardio vascular system! Alleviate depression! Improve your skin! Lose weight! Strengthen your bones! I’m talking about exercise — with benefits that are wide-ranging and scientifically proven. If exercise were a pill, it would be a blockbuster. But while we…Read More…
At NJIT, doctors learn how tech can help patient outcomes
Published by Michael Hill on NJTV News. Shoe supports with sensors to help Type 2 diabetics avoid potential amputation and hands-free shoes were featured at the New Jersey Institute of Technology’s fourth annual Innovation Showcase. “My son had a medical condition. He was in a scoliosis brace for years and it prevented him from being able…Read More…
What are New Jersey’s safest hospitals? Here’s how they all fared in a national survey.
Published by Susan K. Livio on NJ.com. Nearly half of New Jersey’s hospitals earned an “A” in an October 2017 national safety report measuring how effective nurses, doctors and other medical staff are in preventing infections, falls and mistakes than often make patients sicker than they arrived. New Jersey ranks 11th best in the nation…Read More…
Time for New Jersey To Save Its Health Insurance Markets
In the committee rooms of the State House, New Jersey recently started saving its health insurance markets. Since 1994, New Jersey has required insurers to cover essential benefits and to be open to all, despite health status. The ACA took our model, added the individual mandate, and provided subsidies to help low-income people afford premiums….Read More…