Take Five with Kevin Kelleher
Kevin Kelleher, Director of Research and Economic Services at New Jersey Education Association, the union representing New Jersey’s professional educators. As a member of the School Employee Health Benefits Design Committee, can you tell us how you tried to make the health care benefits program more effective and efficient? The charge of the committee is…Read More…
Plan would make medicaid ‘encounter’ data more widely available
Published by Lilo H. Stainton on NJ Spotlight. ‘De-identified’ healthcare data makes it possible to track treatment, providers, fees without identifying personal details New Jersey citizens and policymakers would be able to access “de-identified” healthcare data related to nearly two million residents under a new proposal designed to help improve decision making about personal care…Read More…
People are dying after procedures in NJ surgery centers and it’s not always made public
Published by Lindy Washburn on NorthJersey.com Patients expect the safety of a hospital. But the centers differ in resources and oversight. And that can be the difference between life and death. They are called “same-day surgery centers,’’ leading patients to expect a quick in-and-out for a routine procedure. But the experience was anything but routine for…Read More…
Seeing What’s Possible in Health Care — Up Close
In my job, I don’t just get to envision the possible in health care. I get to see the possible in action. As we look at how to improve health and health care in the Garden State, you, our members, often provide creative and powerful examples. A favorite part of my job is the bird’s…Read More…
Take Five with Stacey Flanagan
Stacey Flanagan, Director of the Jersey City Department of Health & Human Services, will be a panelist at the Quality Institute’s Breakfast on Population Health on February 27. Jersey City is one of three New Jersey communities working with the Healthy Communities create Healthy Citizens (HCHC) initiative, funded by the United Health Foundation and the…Read More…
Take Five with Dr. Richard J. Baron
Dr. Richard J. Baron, President and CEO of the American Board of Internal Medicine and the ABIM Foundation, will deliver the Keynote Address at “Innovation Showcase: Technology Tools for the Medical Neighborhood,” on March 15. Dr. Baron will discuss the origins of the Choosing Wisely campaign, a nationwide effort to reduce waste and overuse in…Read More…
In Patient Safety Journey, The Goal is ‘Chasing Zero’
At our recent Quality Breakfast, we recognized the ten New Jersey hospitals that received the Leapfrog 2017 Top Hospital designation. There was a common theme among the hospital leaders who spoke on our panel: The safety grade is not the goal. The goal is “chasing zero.” Work toward creating a culture of safety, they said, and…Read More…
Healthcare transition team calls for better integration, best practices
Published by Lilo H. Stainton on NJ Spotlight. Healthcare experts have urged the Murphy administration to prioritize efforts to grow and sustain insurance coverage, better integrate behavioral and physical care systems, improve end-of-life planning, and boost the use of data and other technologies. Those are among the recommendations outlined by the healthcare transition team for…Read More…
As NJ legislators try to fix out-of-network surprise charges, doctors not happy
Published by Lilo H. Stainton on NJ Spotlight. Lawmakers try to protect patients from unexpected healthcare charges but the partial fix they propose is opposed by physicians. Support from the new governor and Assembly leadership has jumpstarted a decade-old debate on how to reduce the impact of out-of-network medical bills on New Jersey residents, despite…Read More…
N.J. experts not shocked by trio’s health care plan
Published by Anjalee Khemlani on ROI New Jersey. Reports of a new nonprofit health care entity created by Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase created a buzz among New Jersey’s business leaders this week. The response was a mix of skepticism (about what seems like a combination of existing ideas like self-insurance and preferred networks) and enthusiasm (for what the…Read More…