CMS Innovation Center Wants Your Ideas
If you believe we need new approaches to pay for and deliver health care — and you have some good ideas — Washington wants to hear from you. CMS recently put forth a Request For Information, asking for suggestions to foster a more affordable and accessible health care system that puts patients first. As the Quality…Read More…
Take Five with Niall Brennan
Niall Brennan, former Chief Data Officer at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, is President and Executive Director of the Health Care Cost Institute. Brennan will be the keynote speaker at the Quality Institute’s Winter All Council Conference on December 8. You have spoken about how, as CMS chief data officer, you oversaw the…Read More…
N.J.’s Hospitals Climb Safety Rankings, Leapfrog Says
By Anjalee Khemlani October 31, 2017 at 12:54 pm View the full article here! N.J.’s hospitals climb safety rankings, Leapfrog says Forty-four percent of New Jersey’s hospitals were awarded “A” grades for safety by The Leapfrog Group, a Washington, D.C-based organization, which released its much-anticipated Fall 2017 rankings Tuesday morning. As a result, New Jersey’s…Read More…
What are New Jersey’s safest hospitals? Here’s how they all fared in new national survey.
What are New Jersey’s safest hospitals? Here’s how they all fared in new national survey. Posted October 31, 2017 at 07:15 AM | Updated October 31, 2017 at 07:45 AM By Susan K. Livio | NJ Advance Media for View the full article here! Nearly half of New Jersey’s hospitals earned an “A” in…Read More…
New Jersey’s Fall 2017 Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grades Are In
[Princeton, NJ] Oct. 31, 2017 – The Leapfrog Group, a Washington D.C-based organization aiming to improve health care quality for consumers, employers and purchasers, announced today the October 2017 Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grades, assigning A, B, C, D and F letter grades to general acute-care hospitals in the U.S. based on errors, accidents and infections….Read More…
Let’s Get Real on Reducing Costs
It’s October. That means Halloween and something even scarier — insurance premium increases. This year, people in the individual market will face hikes even higher than usual thanks to the federal government’s concerted effort to undermine the marketplace. Small businesses in New Jersey also feel the fright. Plans now offered in the Small Employer market have…Read More…
Take Five with Glenn A. MacFarlane
Glenn A. MacFarlane is Chief Executive Officer of Aetna Better Health of New Jersey. You became CEO of Aetna Better Health of New Jersey just last year. The plan started in 2015 and now has 40,000 members. What makes the plan different from others? Aetna started on January 1, 2015. We initially went live in…Read More…
NJ Loses Federal Funding to Expand ACA Enrollment
NJ Loses Federal Funding to Expand ACA Enrollment Lilo H. Stainton | October 12, 2017 Some $26 million in cuts will put a serious dent in ACA navigator programs in virtually all states New Jersey will lose more than 60 percent of the federal funding it expected to receive this year to help enroll vulnerable…Read More…
New Jersey to Put Payment Reform Scorecard to the Test
New Jersey to Put Payment Reform Scorecard to the Test Mary Caffrey Despite the unrest in Washington, DC, payment reform is very much alive in markets across the country, as employers and large purchasers of healthcare look for new ways to deliver care. In fact, Catalyst for Payment Reform (CPR), a group of progressive purchasers…Read More…
Take Five with Saira A. Jan
Saira A. Jan, M.S., Pharm.D, is a clinical professor at Rutgers University Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy. Dr. Jan recently presented the Pharmacy School’s ‘Opioid Abuse Toolkit: Resources for New Jersey Communities’ to community and provider representatives from Jersey City, Trenton, and Cumberland County, three regions involved in the Quality Institute’s Healthy Communities create Healthy…Read More…