NJ Leaders Should Continue Work on Increasing Efficiencies and Reducing Waste in State Medicaid Program
Health care is essential to everyone in New Jersey. Today our uninsured rate (8.75%) is at a 30 year low. Proposals to decrease funding for Medicaid and political threats of eliminating subsidies for people to buy insurance are harmful to NJ’s insurance market and NJ residents. People want to go to work, enjoy their weekends,…Read More…
Help Us Expand ‘Conversation of Your Life’ And You’ll Improve Life — and Death — in New Jersey
Do you know anyone who wants to die in a hospital ICU, perhaps intubated and on dialysis, surrounded by strangers? I don’t. Most New Jerseyans want to die at home surrounded by the people they love. They want comfort and compassion. They don’t want interventions that have little value to patients with advanced illness. Yet…Read More…
Take Five with Don McDaniel
Don McDaniel, Chief Executive Officer, Continuum Health. Continuum Health is a member of the Quality Institute’s Leadership Council. What is the role of Continuum Health in today’s quickly changing health care landscape? Continuum Health has a legacy of supporting and working with physician organizations. That’s the reason we get up in the morning. Physicians should…Read More…
Most N.J. voters support Planned Parenthood, coverage for birth control
First published by Susan K. Livio on NJ.com TRENTON — The majority of New Jersey voters believe insurance should cover birth control supplies and Planned Parenthood should continue receiving Medicaid reimbursement for family planning and other women’s health services, according to a poll released by Rutgers University Wednesday. The poll lands at a pivotal time…Read More…
Voters largely positive about Planned Parenthood, aware of its services PRINCETON, N.J. — As officials consider changes to Medicaid funding at the state and federal levels, and as Congress weighs health insurance reform, large majorities of New Jersey registered voters want to maintain federal and state funding for women’s reproductive health services for lower-income women,…Read More…
Poll finds many in N.J. support state, federal funding for women’s health care
Originally published on NewsWorks.org: http://bit.ly/2snZZeX Many in New Jersey want to maintain federal and state funding for women’s reproductive health services for lower-income women, according to to a new poll of registered voters. A majority of those polled also support the American Care Act requirements related to such services, found the New Jersey Health Care…Read More…
Poll: Most NJ Voters Favor Funding Planned Parenthood
Published on The Observer by Alyana Alfaro. Most New Jersey voters support federal and state funding to low-cost women’s health centers including Planned Parenthood, according to a Rutgers-Eagleton poll released Wednesday. Nearly 78 percent of voters surveyed said they support health care funding for lower-income women, 84 percent said Medicaid should continue funding Planned Parenthood…Read More…
New Jersey Voters Support Federal and State Funding for Low-Income Women’s Health, Insurance Coverage For Women’s Reproductive Health Services
Voters largely positive about Planned Parenthood, aware of its services PRINCETON, N.J. — As officials consider changes to Medicaid funding at the state and federal levels, and as Congress weighs health insurance reform, large majorities of New Jersey registered voters want to maintain federal and state funding for women’s reproductive health services for lower-income women, as…Read More…
Report finds fewer hospital patients are harmed by bedsores and injuries, but work is needed
No one who enters a hospital for care expects to be harmed or sickened accidentally. Unfortunately, preventable errors and mishaps are all too common, occurring during one in six hospital admissions and killing at least 500 people a day in the U.S. The Leapfrog Group released today the first-ever analysis of the 2016 Leapfrog Hospital…Read More…
Dear Next Governor …
Dear Lt. Governor Guadagno and Ambassador Murphy: This November, the people of New Jersey will likely elect one of you to lead our state. You will face both great opportunities and great challenges. I write to ask that you pay close attention to health care, which affects all of our citizens — and accounts for over…Read More…